This post is pure happiness, that's what it is about, happiness, so I hope you have room to receive a little tiny bit of joy from me to you right now. First of all, Merry Christmas <3 I genuinely hope you had yourself a warm loving and special Christmas this year, I had the great opportunity to spend mine in this wonderful city. New York is simply an amazing city, we had a real blast, we enjoyed so much the holiday's decorations it was gorgeous.
We went pretty much everywhere, we really took the best out of those 10 days. From Times Square to New Jersey, a whole bunch of places. I want to thank the people from Habla Habla RD for their service on keeping me connected with you guys during our vacations.
If you're willing to go to NYC anytime soon, or you're already getting your stuff together to go on your trip stay tuned for the next post which is where I will tell you about the best locations and where we stayed.
Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Happy Holidays!
Esta publicación es pura felicidad, de eso se trata, de felicidad, asà que espero tengan espacio para recibir tan solo un poquito de alegrÃa de mà para ustedes en este momento. Antes que todo, Feliz Navidad <3 espero que hayan tenido una hermosa y especial Navidad junto a sus seres queridos este año, yo tuve la oportunidad de pasar la mÃa en esta hermosa ciudad. New York es sencillamente una ciudad increÃble, la experiencia fue fascinante, disfrutamos un mundo de las decoraciones festivas, fue hermoso.
Fuimos prácticamente a todos lados, aprovechamos al máximo esos 10 dÃas. Desde Times Square hasta New Jersey, un sinnúmero de lugares. Quiero agradecer al equipo de Habla Habla RD por su servicio en mantenerme en contacto con todos ustedes durante nuestras vacaciones fuera del paÃs.
Si tienes intenciones de viajar a NYC próximamente o ya estas haciendo tus planes para hacerlo te recomiendo estés al pendiente de la próxima publicación en donde hablaré detalladamente de lugares clave y donde hospedarte.
Espero disfruten las fotos.
Felices Fiestas!
Pictures taken with Iphone
I've become a beauty product junkie without a doubt, I've been trying out so many different products lately and I'm loving it. Today I'll show you my Recent Favorites.
1. Egg White Bubble Cleanser: This thing is amazing, it leaves my face feeling soft and fresh, I love the scent it has and I find so much fun the foam texture. It is ideal for all skin types.
2. Cremorlab Mineral Water Mist: It is formulated with thermal water and it's great to spray it on your face when you feel like providing an express hydration to your skin, I even use it with my makeup on and have it on my bag everyday, this one is for sure a must have.
Both of these products are from the korean online store I talked to you about on a recent post (See HERE), you should definitely check them out, I'm loving everything from them so far.
3. Eva's Garden Exfoliating Body Scrub: I LOVEEE this so much, it's a sugar and salt body scrub, infused with lavender and vanilla, the scent is everything, seriously this is good. This is their Travel Size which is very convenient if you're on the go, it leaves your skin silky smooth and with a marvelous aroma.
4. Eva's Garden Moisturizing Lotion: It is a very lightweight consistency which I really like because I'm not a fan of the heavy skin feeling certain lotions tend to leave behind. This one is jasmine infused a total delight, I also notice It left a very natural glow on my skin, I loved it.
These products are natural and organic so if you are really into those types of beauty products I completely recommend trying them out. Visit them at: or EvasGardenRD
4. L.A. Girl HD Pro Setting Powder: It's a finishing powder that sets foundation and what I really love is how it mattifies the skin, it's not heavy at all you can't even notice it's there. It's very affordable and since it's a translucent powder every skin tone could use it without any problem.
5. L.A. Girl Pro Smoothing Face Primer: It really made my makeup last longer, it's insanely soft practically invisible, not heavy on the face at all, it literally disappears. Very affordable as well I only wish it was on a bigger presentation.
3. L.A. Girl Pro Setting Spray: This is awesome, the fact that it's not sticky at all it's suck a big plus, it dries quickly, it's very lightweight as well, mattifies the skin as the setting powder and the primer.

I've been a fan of Korea for some years now and you cannot understand how excited I was to receive some of their amazing beauty products, amazing not only because of my deep love for Korea in general but because of their great skin, I definitely invite you to do some research about it, their skin is flawless. I got the chance to know which is a korean beauty online store, I was really surprised of the variety of skin-care products they have I wanted them all!! They have products for different skin concerns like: Hyperpigmentation, Acne, Dryness, Oiliness and the list goes on.
This time I focused on the hydration of my skin and selected this awesome sheet mask: Cremor Lab Hydro Plus Aqua Tank Water-Full Mask. After having it on my face for about 20-25 minutes, my skin was incredibly soft and had this amazing natural glow, I completely regret not getting more of them they are sooo good. If you want some ''YOU'' time and just some minutes to relax and take care of your skin at the same time, I recommend this without a doubt.
He sido una fanática de Corea por unos buenos años ya y creanme que no tienen idea de lo emocionada que me puse al recibir algunos de sus increÃbles productos de belleza, increÃbles no solo por mi profundo amor por Corea en general <3 sino por el hecho de la piel que lucen los Coreanos, los invito a que investiguen un poco sobre este tema y vean a qué me refiero. Tuve la oportunidad de conocer a la cual es una página en lÃnea de productos de belleza Coreanos, me sorprendà de la gran variedad que tienen de artÃculos para el cuidado de la piel, los querÃa todos!! Tienen además productos para distintos problemas de la piel como: Hiperpigmentación, Acné, Resequedad, Grasa y la lista continúa.
En esta ocasión me enfoqué en la hidratación de mi piel y seleccioné esta mascarilla: La Cremor Lab Hydro Plus Aqua Tank Water-Full Mask. Después de tenerla en mi cara por aproximadamente 20-25 minutos, mi piel estaba increÃblemente suave y con un brillo natural, me arrepiento el no haber obtenido más de estas, son buenÃsimas. Si quieren un tiempo para ustedes y algunos minutos para relajarse y cuidar su piel al mismo tiempo, les recomiendo esto sin duda alguna.

I love trying out new products and get to experiment with them. This time I get the chance to try out the new Velvet Contour Stick by L.A. Girl . When I first received them I was excited just by looking at the shades, they are gorgeous and as soon as I read what they were I ran to my mirror and started playing with them.
In my opinion the perfect contour looks better with creamy makeup and this is just great. They are very pigmented and so easy to apply, your makeup looks more elaborated with simple and easy to follow steps. The collection includes 3 highlighters, 10 blushes and 3 bronzers, it's crazy how many different options they have.
I got:
1 Highlighter - ''Radiance'
1 Bronzer - ''Suede''
3 Blushes - ''Snugle'' ''Dreamy'' and ''My Bae''
They are also pretty affordable so you will be rocking a fancy looking makeup without spending a lot on money on it. I definitely think you should check them out.
Me encanta probar nuevos productos y experimentar con ellos. En esta ocasión tengo la oportunidad de conocer los nuevos productos de L.A. Girl ''Velvet Contour Stick''. Cuando los recibà estaba muy emocionada con tan solo ver los colores, son preciosos y desde que leà de que se trataban corrà a mi espejo a jugar con ellos.
En mi opinión el contorno perfecto se ve mejor cuando es realizado con maquillaje en crema como es el caso y estos son creados para esto. Son muy pigmentados y fáciles de aplicar, tu maquillaje se verá más elaborado con simples pasos a seguir. La colección incluye 3 Iluminadores, 10 Coloretes y 3 Bronceadores, es increÃble la cantidad de opciones que tienen.
Yo obtuve:
1 Iluminador - ''Radiance'
1 Bronceador - ''Suede''
3 Coloretes - ''Snugle'' ''Dreamy'' and ''My Bae''
Estos son bastante asequibles de manera que estarás luciendo un maquillaje con una terminación de calidad sin gastar mucho dinero en ello. Sin lugar a dudas deben de probar estos.
Officially in love with this dress! Not only the color is gorgeous and very flattering but the material is just as comfy as it looks. This piece is a must have without a doubt and of course the basic white blazer . Thank you I was very surprised and pleased with the great quality of the pieces.
When it comes to accessories I chose this beautiful and fun mint cut-out clutch from to add some never boring color blocking.
What do you guys think?
Oficialmente enamorada de este vestido! No solo el color es precioso, el material es tan cómodo como se ve. Esta pieza es sin lugar a dudas un ''Must Have'' en tu closet como también lo es el blazer básico blanco. Mil gracias a me sorprendà positivamente de la calidad de estas piezas.
En cuanto a accesorios se refiere escogà este hermoso clutch menta de para agregar un color blocking al vestuario.
Que opinan ustedes?
What do you guys think?
Oficialmente enamorada de este vestido! No solo el color es precioso, el material es tan cómodo como se ve. Esta pieza es sin lugar a dudas un ''Must Have'' en tu closet como también lo es el blazer básico blanco. Mil gracias a me sorprendà positivamente de la calidad de estas piezas.
En cuanto a accesorios se refiere escogà este hermoso clutch menta de para agregar un color blocking al vestuario.
Que opinan ustedes?
Pictures by: Armando Paulino Jr.
Faux Suede Camel Dress | Lovely Whole Sale
White Blazer | Lovely Whole Sale
Shoes | AmiClubWear
Cut-out Mint Clutch | The Good Danger
Necklace | Bershka
Rings | Galisfly
Sunnies | ZeroUV
Am I the only one that have a past with disasters when it comes to curling your own hair? I hope not! I have ZERO skills like NONE, NADA to style my hair, I don't know how to do anything, I barely manage to make a decent ponytail, I know shame on me. I have no idea why I just simply can't make a braid, or fancy hairstyles I just can't. I started to try to curl my hair myself years ago and let me tell you that was quite a scene, I didn't even know there was so many different ways of how to curl your hair the wrong way, it was a complete mess. I bought a bunch of curling irons and it didn't look good at all, must confess I gave up at the time I was just killing and burning my hair like a pro.
Since I got to know my pals from I was able to know more about hair products and of course quality hot tools for my hair and this was like sent from heaven. I'm using the 1 inch QT Performance Tourmaline Ceramic Clipless Curling Iron I love that it is clipless because the ones that have the clip on tend to leave a mark on my hair and I just can't stand it, this one is so easy to use it heats up very fast and leave your hair very smooth I recommend it big time specially if you're looking for a powerful tool that will help you get a very natural waves in no time (I literally spent like 10-15 minutes).
A caso soy la única con un pasado de desastres en cuanto a rizar el cabello se trata? Espero que no! Yo tengo CERO habilidades NINGUNA para arreglar mi cabello, no se hacer nada, a penas puedo hacerme una cola decente, lo sé que vergüenza. No tengo idea por qué no me sale hacer una simple trenza o algún peinado sofisticado, simplemente no me salen. Empecé a intentar ondular mi cabello yo misma hace años y déjenme decirles que todo aquello era un espectáculo, no sabÃa que existÃan tantas maneras de rizar tu cabello de la manera equivocada, era un desastre. Compré un sinnúmero de planchas, rizadoras, tenazas y sencillamente no se veÃa nada bien, debo confesar que en aquel momento me rendà solo estaba matando y quemando mi cabello como la mejor.
Desde que conocà a mis amigos de tuve la oportunidad de conocer nuevos productos, productos para el cuidado de mi cabello y por supuesto herramientas de calor de calidad, fue como enviado del cielo. En esta ocasión estoy utilizado QT Performance Tourmaline Ceramic Clipless Curling Iron de 1 pulgada, me encanta que no tenga el clip ya que las que si lo tienen tienden a dejar marcas en mi cabello lo cual personalmente detesto, esta es muy fácil de utilizar calienta bastante rápido y deja tu cabello sorprendentemente suave, la recomiendo especialmente si están buscando una herramienta poderosa que te ayude a lograr unas ondas naturales en tiempo record (yo me tomé de 10-15 minutos)
Curling Iron | Flat Iron Experts
KQC Thermal Shine Spray | Flat Iron Experts
Macadamia Hair Spray | Flat Iron Experts
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