I know some probably would find ''risky'' wearing high boots in the Caribbean where is always Summer but thing is, sometimes we just need to take our chances and rock them out!
This is probably the first time that we take pictures so casually and randomly. Going out and taking pictures was not planned at all and the outfit was not scheduled either. We just happened to find a good place, the perfect weather and thank God we had the camera with us.
I'm very surprised of the amount of compliments and questions I've received about this subject and that's why I decided to dedicate a whole post about it.
If you follow me on Instagram (@mandypaulino) you probably already noticed that I've been very into basic pieces of clothing and very monochromatic as well.
Bomber Jackets are without a doubt a huge trend this season, a pretty cool way to add more character to the outfit.
Must confess I'm not a fan of the regular self tanning products specially because my skin color is pretty much like that naturally and I always had my doubts with those tanners for all the chemicals and weird components they usually have.
If I could only tell you how much I love this jumpsuit! This is nothing more than comfort and feeling chic at the same time.
This is such a fun and interesting post. You all know how seriously I take the care of my skin and how much I love to share with you guys great products.
Oh this love for total black outfits! Am I the only one? It's incredible how comfortable I feel in black, some people find it too ''dark'', some find it too dramatic, but I find it fun, classy and actually pretty sexy.
I've waited some days to do this post because I wanted to give you guys a very honest opinion about these Maybelline Vivid Matte Liquid . At first I loved them, I loved the packaging, I think it looks pretty good, the shades are gorgeous they are also scented, I don't quite know what the scent is but it is nice.
My issue with them is they are very, very creamy, it doesn't dry-out matte, it transfers like crazy, which is a big problem because they're supposed to be matte, to me they are regular lip-glosses. If you are looking for the perfect matte finish I wouldn't recommend these, if you are into beauty in general and like lip-glosses then you should give them a try since the shades are really pretty.
They recommend to apply one thin layer following the contours of your mouth and to kiss a tissue and allow to dry for an ''ultra-matte'' finish, I tried doing it and it ended up looking like a lip-tint instead of a matte finish specially the red tone. It's kind off frustrating because I wanted these to work so bad. Have you tried these already? What's your experience with them? Any trick for them to work?
EsperĆ© unos cuantos dĆas para hacer esta publicaciĆ³n ya que querĆa darles una opiniĆ³n lo mĆ”s honesta posible respecto a estos Maybelline Vivid Matte Liquid. En un principio los amĆ©, me encanto su presentaciĆ³n, el empaque, entiendo que lucen bastante bien, los colores son hermosos, tambiĆ©n tienen una fragancia agradable. Mi inconveniente con estos es que son muy, muy cremosos. no secan mate, se transfiere demasiado el color cuando comes, bebes, etc. lo cuĆ”l lo hace un problema porque se supone que su terminaciĆ³n sea mate, para mĆ son lip-glosses comunes. Si buscan por un acabado mate perfecto estos no los recomendarĆa, si les gusta probar nuevos productos de belleza en general pues echenle un ojito ya que sus colores son lindĆsimos.
La marca recomienda que apliques una fina capa siguiendo el contorno de tu boca y luego besar una servilleta y permitir que este seque para una terminaciĆ³n ''ultra mate'', lo intentĆ© y terminĆ³ luciendo como un tintado en los labios en especial la tonalidad roja. Es un poco frustrante porque querĆa que estos funcionaran. Ya los han probado? CuĆ”l es su experiencia con ellos? AlgĆŗn truco para que funcionen?
Shades I got: Rebel Red and Nude Flush

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.
I'm a fan of fresh and comfy pieces and I've been obsessing over off the shoulder tops lately so, this look was just meant to be. I think these two pieces go perfectly together and they give you such a flattering and girly look.
I adored the cutouts on the maxi skirt and the beautiful pattern which I think blended very well at the beach and of course a white top to complement the beachy chic look.
What do you guys think?
Soy fanĆ”tica de las piezas frescas y cĆ³modas y Ćŗltimamente he estado obsesionada con las blusas con los hombros descubiertos asĆ que este look estaba destinado a ser. Pienso que estas dos piezas lucen perfectamente bien juntas y te proporcionan un look bastante halagador y femenino. Me encantaron los cortes de la falda y el estampado, el cual entiendo se mezclĆ³ bastante bien con el tema de playa y el top blanco por supuesto para complementar el look beachy chic.
Que opinan ustedes?
Maxi Skirt | AGACI
Sandals | AGACI
Hat | H&M
Sunnies | ZeroUV
I love body products specially if they will leave my whole skin feeling soft and moisturized which is exactly the case with these two. If you're looking for a flawless glowy skin I'd definitely recommend these buddies to you, let me introduce you to my: Shower Favorites.
When I received Dirty Derrik scrub I was really excited because it is a coffee and coconut scrub, I know what you're thinking right now and yes, you're perfectly right, it smell delish! Plus you know coconut is my ultimate favorite. I couldn't wait to get myself in the shower and spread it all over my skin. Must warn you it gets messy, VERY messy, but believe me as soon as I rinsed it off, I was wowed by the look of my skin it was insanely soft, it looked healthy, moisturized and it had this amazing natural glow, I was immediately obsessed, the mess was ''soooo'' worth it!
Dirty Derrik is an Australian brand and you can find them at: www.dirtyderrik.com and on Instagram: @DirtyDerrik
I've been using the Neutrogena Body Oil for a while now, I use it right before getting out of the shower, having my skin still damp I take some drops and spread it very well on the areas I want, which is basically my entire body and I let it dry naturally so the skin can absorb all the magic. It has a nice scent, it's not sticky at all, at least for me, It really moisturizes the skin and also provides that fancy sassy glow to the skin.
These are my top two shower faves, what are yours?
A mi me encantan los productos para el cuerpo especialmente si estos dejan mi piel sintiƩndose suave y humectada y este es exactamente el caso con estos dos productos. Si estƔs buscando una piel radiante te recomiendo echarle un ojito a estos dos, les presento mis: Favoritos de la ducha.
Cuando recibĆ el exfoliante de Dirty Derrik estaba tan emocionada porque es un scrub de cafĆ© y coco, sĆ© lo que estĆ”n pensando y estĆ”n en todo lo correcto, huele delicioso! AdemĆ”s ya saben que el coco siempre ha sido uno de mis favoritos. No podĆa esperar a meterme en la ducha y exfoliar mi piel. Debo advertirles que se hace un desastre, un tremendo desastre, pero creanme desde que lo retirĆ©, estaba impactada por como lucĆa mi piel, estaba increĆblemente suave, se veĆa saludable, humectada y tenĆa este brillo natural hermoso, me obsesionĆ© inmediatamente, el desorden valiĆ³ completamente la pena!
Dirty Derrik es una marca Australiana y pueden encontrarlos en: www.dirtyderrik.com y en Instagram: @DirtyDerrik
He estado utilizando el Neutrogena Body Oil por un tiempo y lo uso justo antes de salir de la ducha, cuando mi piel aĆŗn estĆ” hĆŗmeda tomo unas gotas y lo distribuyo por las areas que sean de mi interĆ©s lo cual termina siendo bĆ”sicamente todo el cuerpo y lo dejo secar naturalmente para que asĆ la piel absorba toda la magia. Tiene un aroma agradable, no es pegajoso al menos no en mi, deja la piel humectada y to proporciona ese brillo en la piel por igual.
Estos son mis dos favoritos en la ducha, cuales son los tuyos?

Receiving beauty products monthly and not having an idea of what will you get it's what I call ''excitement''. I've known Ipsy for quite some time now, as soon as Michelle Phan launched the concept I fell in love, but for some reason it is until now that I decided to subscribe.
For those who don't know about Ipsy let me give you some details. Each month, all Ipsy subscribers will receive a very fun Glam Bag with ''deluxe samples'' and full sized beauty products and it only costs US$10.00 a month.
Once you take a quiz about all things beauty and your personal preferences relating, makeup, hair products and even your skin issues you will receive your customize Glam Bag, isn't that cool?.
So without further-ado let's review my first Ipsy Glam Bag.
I received 5 different products:
-Theorie Argan Oil (Hair Serum)-CitatĆ© London ''My Go To Red'' Nail-polish -TrĆØStique ''Bora Bora Coral'' Baby Blush Stick-Lip Lacquer ''Morocco'' Lip Gloss-ItCosmetics ''Bye Bye Under Eye'' Waterproof Concealer in ''Light''
Plus the makeup bag of course.
The bag is actually pretty cool I love the colors and textures goes perfectly with the February vibes for sure.
The Hair Serum is the bomb, seriously, I really love and adore how greatly it works its magic on my hair specially because I recently had my ombre redone properly and I was really wanting to get products to take care of it and this came right in the perfect moment. I've been applying some of it in the ends of my hair and so far so amazing.
The Nail Polish is gorgeous, it's such a beautiful shade and what I really like about it is how fast it dries.
The Baby Blush Stick is just adorable, I honestly love the coral shade however I don't find it that pigmented.
The Gloss color is gorgeous, the smell it's amazing, I love it, BUT I'm not a fan of lip glosses at all, I really don't like that sticky feeling on my lips so if you're like me I wouldn't recommend getting this one, if you on the other hand like lip glosses, you should give it a go since the shade is really pretty.
The Concealer is incredibly good, lasts forever, the coverage is insane, It looks amazing as a highlighter as well, I'd be definitely getting the bigger version of it, I recommend this one without a doubt.
I loved this so much, I encourage you to subscribe it's a really fun and affordable way to get to know new beauty products. If you want to get started with yours go: www.ipsy.com
Recibir productos de belleza mensualmente sin tener la mĆ”s minima idea de lo que obtendrĆ”s es lo que yo llamo ''EmociĆ³n''. Conozco a Ipsy desde hace ya un tiempo, desde que Michelle Phan lanzĆ³ el concepto me enamorĆ©, pero por alguna razĆ³n ahora es que decidĆ suscribirme.
Para aquellas que no conocen de Ipsy, permĆtanme darles algunos detalles. Cada mes todos los suscriptores de Ipsy recibirĆ”n una divertidĆsima Glam Bag como ellos le llaman donde encontrarĆ”n muestras ''deluxe'' y productos de tamaƱo original por tan solo US$10.00 al mes.
Una vez hayan tomado el test de todo sobre belleza y sus preferencias personales respecto a maquillaje, productos para el cabello y hasta sus problemas de la piel, recibirƔn un Glam Bag personalizado, no es eso lo mƔximo?.
AsĆ que sin mĆ”s preĆ”mbulos, hagamos la reseƱa de mi primer Ipsy Glam Bag.
Obtuve 5 productos distintos:
-Theorie Argan Oil (Hair Serum)-CitatĆ© London ''My Go To Red'' Nail-polish -TrĆØStique ''Bora Bora Coral'' Baby Blush Stick-Lip Lacquer ''Morocco'' Lip Gloss-ItCosmetics ''Bye Bye Under Eye'' Waterproof Concealer in ''Light''
MƔs la bolsita de maquillaje por supuesto.
La Bolsa De Maquillaje es realmente muy linda, me encantaron los colores, la textura y en definitiva es perfecta para las vibras de Febrero,
El Serum Para El Cabello es increĆble, me encanta como trabaja su magia en mi cabello, especialmente porque recientemente re-hice mi ombre apropiadamente y estaba en busca de buenos productos para tener un mejor cuidado de el y esto llegĆ³ en el momento preciso. Lo he estado aplicando en las puntas y todo a resultado genial hasta ahora.
El Esmalte De UƱas es hermoso, es un color precioso y lo que mƔs me gusto es lo poco que tarda en secarse.
El Baby Blush En Barra es sencillamente adorable, yo personalmente amo el coral, me encanta este color sin embargo encuentro que no es muy pigmentado.
El Brillo Labial (Gloss) su color es precioso, el olor que tiene es increĆble, me encanta, PERO no soy fanĆ”tica de los brillos de labios en lo absoluto, no me gusta para nada esa sensaciĆ³n pegajosa en los labios, asĆ que si eres como yo no recomendarĆa comprar este, si por otro lado eres todo lo contrario y te encantan este tipo de productos pudieses probar este ya que su color es lindĆsimo.
El Corrector De Ojeras es increĆblemente bueno, dura una eternidad, la cobertura es fenomenal, se ve hermoso como iluminador tambiĆ©n, en definitiva comprarĆ© este en su versiĆ³n original sin lugar a dudas. Sumamente recomendado.
Todo me encantĆ³, las invito a suscribirse, es una manera sumamente divertida y asequible para conocer nuevos productos de belleza. Si quieres comenzar y suscribirte entra aquĆ: www.ipsy.com
I must confess that yellow it's not a color that I go to on a regular basis, I actually don't have that much of it in my closet, but there's something really adorable and flattering about this cocktail dress. The length it's perfect, I love the cut of the skirt and how it fits, this shade ended up being gorgeous and somehow it blended well with my skin color. This beauty it's from LaurentBoutique I just adore how girly it is and the classy vibe it has.
What do you guys think?
Debo confesar que el amarillo no es un color que acostumbro a utilizar en el dĆa a dĆa, de hecho no tengo mucho de el en mi closet, pero sin lugar a dudas hay algo bastante llamativo y adorable con este vestido cocktail. El largo es perfecto, me encanta el corte de la falda, como entalla, esta tonalidad terminĆ³ luciendo hermosa y de alguna manera se mezclĆ³ favorablemente con el tono de mi piel. Esta belleza es de LaurentBoutique sencillamente adoro lo femenino que es y esta vibra de clase que tiene.
Que Piensan ustedes?

Cocktail Dress | LaurentBoutique
Sunnies | ZeroUV
Bag | The Good Danger
Shoes | Steve Madden
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