Por fin puedo compartir con ustedes algo en lo que he estado trabajando desde hace un tiempo. Resulta que con mucha frecuencia recibo preguntas relacionadas al mundo de las redes y del ''Blogging'' y eso siempre ha estado llamando mucho mi atenciĂłn, pensaba en maneras de poder compartir con ustedes todo aquello que me preguntaban y como poder llegar a la mayor cantidad de personas posibles y asĂ nace una nueva etapa del blog: MandySharesCourses aquĂ estarĂ© publicando periĂłdicamente distintos cursos online relacionados con las redes, fotografĂa, ediciĂłn y por supuesto del mundo del ''Blogging''.
El dĂa de hoy les presento a nuestro nuevo curso: ''Blogging 101 - QuĂ© es un Blog y como comenzar uno'', un material super sencillo y fácil de digerir, lleno de tips y estrategias de como empezar y hacer exitoso tu blog. Les hablo de mi experiencia y les comparto algunos secretitos y herramientas de trabajo. Estoy muy emocionada de poder compartir esto con ustedes, con la ilusiĂłn de que le saquen el mayor provecho, que aprendan mucho y que emprendan este nuevo camino con las bases y conocimientos necesarios.
Esta versión es la versión en Español pronto estaremos publicando cursos en Ingles también.
Para apuntarte es muy sencillo, solo entra aquĂ: mandysharescourses regĂstrate, haz el pago del curso y ya estás automáticamente dentro y con acceso inmediato a la informaciĂłn.
Muchas gracias por su apoyo siempre, espero que les guste mucho y comencemos esta nueva aventura!
Today, I'll be sharing with you guys, 3 Spots To Take Pictures In Miami. This post will be perfect for those visiting the city and of course for those who live in Miami already and want to adventure more and make the best out of their weekends.
I'll be showing you what I consider are the 3 Iconic #MUSTVISIT areas in the city: South Beach, Miami Design District and of course Wynwood.
What I love the most about Miami Beach besides the beach *of course* is the amazing art deco architecture you can find in Ocean Drive, the retro vibes are amazing and perfect to snap a shot for your feed and if you get hungry, you'll find a whole lot of options in the area as well.
On the beach you'll see a variety of very colorful lifeguard towers which are one of the most photographed elements of the place without a doubt.

In Miami Design District you'll find high end fashion stores, luxury boutiques, a lot of art, galleries, exquisite interior design, but again, what I love the most about it is the modern architecture and how they played with textures.
I recommend visiting the Fly’s Eye Dome for some interesting and full of character pictures.
Wynwood is no question one of the most visited places of MIA and for all the right reasons. It's pretty much an outdoor museum, full with beautiful colorful murals. It's a very hipster area with art and street style everywhere. You'll also find pretty cool boutiques and the yummiest bistros to take a bite which are as well VERY Instagram worthy.
I would say Miami Real Estate is growing specially in the Downtown area because of these amazing places. How awesome it would be to live a walking distance or only a few minutes away of all the fun?. I only mentioned 3 but MIA is full of very interesting places and eye catching spots. If you're visiting Miami, living in Miami or would like to move to MIA highly consider your lifestyle and what you would love to have close to you go HERE and find the perfect place, Thank me later!
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