April 26, 2021

KALLAX IKEA HACK (The perfect Sideboard)


You guys, I know it's been A WHILE, but this is SO worth it. Life has been a crazy roller-coaster the last 4-5 months? and a whole lot happened and changed. We moved, that's a pretty refreshing and cool change I'm still very excited about. The decorating and rearranging stuff has become one of my favorite things to do lately.  Home decor has been my thing and I'm embracing it 100%. 

Chicos, sé que ha pasado MUCHO TIEMPO, pero ha valido la pena.  Mi vida ha sido una loca montaña rusa por los últimos 4-5 meses? muchas cosas han sucedido y cambiado. Nos mudamos, ese es un cambio bastante grande y ''refrescante'' por el que todavía estoy muy emocionada. La decoración y reorganización se ha convertido en una de mis cosas favoritas últimamente. La decoración del hogar ha sido lo mío sin duda alguna y lo estoy disfrutando al 100%.

This is my very 1st IKEA HACK and oh, how I love this. I was not intending on doing a detailed tutorial about it because as I just mentioned, this was my very first attempt at doing this type of DIY's and I had no clue how things would turn out, we are pretty skilled and crafty (the hubby and I) but we were virgins in this matter, the result blew our minds and saying that we are very proud of ourselves is a total understatement, here a share some pictures and a quick TikTok video I made about the process.

Este es mi primer IKEA HACK y, oh, cuánto me encanta. No tenía la intención de hacer un tutorial detallado al respecto porque, como acabo de mencionar, este fue mi primer intento de hacer este tipo de DIY y no tenía ni idea de cómo saldrían las cosas. Nosotros nos consideramos bastante hábiles y creativos (el esposo y yo) pero éramos vírgenes en este asunto, el resultado nos sorprendió y decir que estamos muy orgullosos de nosotros mismos nos queda corto. Aquí comparto algunas fotos y un video rápido de TikTok que hice sobre el proceso, que les parece? 

What do you guys think?  


I mean... obsessed or what?😍 ##IkeaHack ##kallax ##kallaxhack ##homedecor ##home ##interiordesign ##ikea ##ikeahacks ##Diy ##furnitureflip ##furnituremakeover

♬ Buss It - Erica Banks


  1. Wow you did a great job at this DIY!

    My Blog: Bisma Rauf

  2. Hi, do you have specific measurements of door cuts?

    1. You can find all those details on my TikTok I posted a two-part video Tutorial https://www.tiktok.com/@mandy.paulino?lang=en Enjoy!! 🥰 🥰

  3. Hi! Can you share the link to the wooden legs on amazon? Thank you!

    1. Hey there! Here it is: https://rstyle.me/+Ir-aYTclagGn8XfOzDKa_Q 🥰

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  5. Hi! Could you share what media center you have? I can only see the corner of it but it looks perfect for what I need 💗💗
    Thank you!

  6. Hi,
    I don’t have tictock is there anyway you can post the measurements here?

  7. Hi what kind of hinges did you use please? More specifically on the inside doors?

  8. Are you able to post the materials you used? Would make it easier for others to do the same DIY

  9. Please could I ask if there has been a detailed tutorial? I am after info for the doors.

  10. Me encanta. De hecho quisiera replicarlo para mi comedor. Como hiciste las puertas?

  11. Any trouble with it sagging on the bottom? Did you support it at all?

  12. Hola, donde compraste las puertas del mueble? Gracias

  13. Why 8 mending plates? I don't ger where to put them from the video

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